How to get wide angle in trainz simulator mobile

 How to get wide angle in trainz simulator mobile read full article for successfully getting wide angle in trainz simulator mobile friends I hope you will read this full article.

Can we get wide angle in trainz simulator mobile ?

 It's possible and not possible both but you are learning how to get wide angle in trainz simulator mobile by so fear about you will get or not, Yes you can get wide angle I am giving you 100% guarantee you will get wide angle in trainz simulator mobile.

 let's talk about how we get wide angle in trainz simulator mobile,actually we are going to use coding for getting wide angle in trainz simulator mobile I know 90% people don't know the coding so I am giving you the coding of wide angle for trainz simulator mobile, codes given below you can copy it or you can download the file of coding I will suggest you to download the file of coding it's easy.



Download codes

How to install code file ?

  After downloading the file you want to go in "Download" folder then you can see "trainzoption.txt" file just click and hold on this file click on copy/cut then go to


Then paste file here now open your game and enjoy wide angle in trainz simulator mobile.

If you got any help via our website or article then please share our wepsite/article to your friend who want to get wide angle.


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